2022: Leadership Conundrums
Facing fragility with grace
What a year! Or more accurately years. Personally, it’s been a rollercoaster. I lost both parents and my father-in-law, celebrated our daughters’ weddings (replete with covid drama). And in October I discovered a whole new level of love when I embraced my first grandchild.
I’m not alone. Unprecedented stress is showing up at work as we grapple with never-ending turmoil. In coaching discussions, I hear the refrain ‘can I muster the stamina to guide our organization forward?’
Precarious family life is amplified by social instability - a fragile healthcare system, catastrophic fires and weather events, an onslaught of gun violence, and a breakdown of basic civility. Plus, of course, climate change. At the time of year when we aim to celebrate our achievements, we’re exhaling, thankful that we’re still standing.
‘Tis the season for rest and relaxation
“The year ahead already promises more uncertainty, more change. Many leaders are heading into their vacations wondering just what 2023 will bring: how bad will the economy be, exactly? What new surprises lie in wait? Not exactly the kind of thoughts that lead to a relaxing, rejuvenating break.” NOBL
Questions for 2023:
What surprises are in store?
How will we create space (physical and psychological) for our teams to imagine bold paths forward?
Do we have the fortitude to cope personally and collectively?
Celebrating our clients who drive social impact
Again this year we partnered with truly incredible leaders who dare to experiment to make work as human-centered as possible. We’ve collaborated with leading social impact organizations such as AARP and Special Olympics to reconnect and chart a healthier path for the future. We continue to support arts organizations such as Eyebeam, a platform that enables artists to shape what’s happening around us through their creative works.
One of our most creative growth areas is curating retreats. One example is our work facilitating experiential gatherings for a biotech company to build the trust and cohesion that is difficult to achieve at a fast-paced, remote startup. Each retreat connects deeply with the host community, including giving back through thoughtful procurement, financial support and volunteer work.
Our coaching practice thrives as leaders grapple to make sense of the environment and tough choices, organizationally and personally. A third-generation family business leader is designing the company’s succession strategy and turning a hobby into a startup business as a parallel career. I coach co-leaders at Project for Public Spaces who are leaning into new practices and building a more intentional culture.
Curating retreats to address hybrid culture plus our coaching practice have highlighted this year.
Our social impact projects and future of work consulting benefit enormously from our relationships with robust global networks. We explore new thinking and practices with stellar thinker-doers through GreaterThan, and Community for Change. Gratitude has been a prime theme this year.
In a podcast, convener Brynne Thomson shared, “gratitude moves stagnant energy when we’re feeling stuck in life. The simple act of practicing gratitude disrupts negative thoughts and changes our mindset to see the world in a positive way.”
30-year collaboration with ICL to steward our natural environment
Unbelievably, I’ve been affiliated with the Institute for Conservation Leadership for over 30 years. This year, we convened activists and scientists who are improving the water quality of the Delaware River Watershed. Our keynote John Francis is one of the most principled humans I’ve ever met. He literally walked the talk by living car-free for 22 years and silent for 17. While he was silent he earned three degrees including an environmental Ph.D. When John reminds us of the power of listening, he speaks soulfully.
John Francis
Themes for 2023
Real-time learning and iteration may be the most important capability that organizations can hone to accelerate impact. Pursued with a both-and mindset invites teams to discover novel solutions.
Responding to employees request for flexibility isn’t a defensive posture; it’s competitive advantage. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. The key is to understand why and how to structure work to maximize employees’ and teams’ needs to complement organizational priorities.
Teams use agile processes to iterate and adapt. These methodologies are valuable if impact measures are clear. Teams must be disciplined to validate progress on long-term deliverables.
We’ve noticed that every client regardless of sector is engaging new partners to accelerate capability, pace, and scale. These partnerships are sophisticated and comprehensive. As with friendship, select meaningful relationships pay off.
Giving Back
Leading Kaplan Consulting is my day job, and - as part of my community service - I’ve devoted massive attention this year as board co-chair for Social Enterprise Greenhouse (SEG). I can say first-hand that co-leadership is both joyful and fruitful. An actuary said of these partnerships, it’s a case of one plus one equals much more than two. We know from research that volunteering contributes to a stronger sense of purpose (96%) and helps people feel healthier (76%). How are you giving back?
2022 Highlight
A highlight of the year was being honored by Providence Business News for a ‘Leader & Achiever Award.” Rhode Island has so many talented people who are contributing to improved equity, local economic and community development, thriving arts and care for our precious natural environment. While it’s been joyful to return to travel (NY, LA, Arizona, DC, London, Slovenia), I passionately celebrate little Rhody as home. (P.S. We host amazing retreats here!!!)
Looking ahead to 2023
We have much to look forward to in 2023 even as we acknowledge uncertainty. I’m designing a new course for MCAD’s Master of Arts in Creative Leadership - Managing Non-hierarchical Networks, Organizations, and Teams. What a gift to reconnect with thought leaders and innovators across the globe to tap emerging wisdom and new practices. As a teacher, the best reward is learning with your students.
“Wisdom doesn’t come from experience. It comes from reflecting on experience. Between ages 25 and 75, the correlation between age and wisdom is zero. Gaining insight and perspective is not about the number of years you’ve lived. It’s about the number of lessons you’ve learned.” - Adam Grant